Glyph Roadmap

Features & Ideas

We’d like to share with everyone the more common feature requests that are now logged in our backlog. Please let us know if there are features you’d like to see in this outline. Also, if you see a feature you feel strongly about, let us know so we can prioritize it more.


:white_check_mark: [x.x.x.x] feature completed and deployed with version number
:building_construction: we’re working on this feature now (soon to be released)
:clock3: planned features that we will work on after the next release




Creating Views

Placing Views on Sheets

Creating Sheets


  • Reload Premade tasks directly from the UI :white_check_mark:
  • Centralized Task Library
  • Admin Control for task settings
  • New Task: Renumber Views on Sheet
  • String Parameterization in all tasks


  • Change the Icon for Tasks and Bundles to a custom icon :white_check_mark:
  • Progress Bar :white_check_mark:
  • UI Speed improvements :clock1:
  • Improve parent view selection when creating views by room :clock1:
  • Feedback on why the run button is grayed out
  • Discipline tasks/bundles divider/tab system
  • Running Bundles from the Ribbon
  • Active View Mode
  • Active Selection Mode
  • Live Annotation Display
  • Shift + Select to select multiple items in list
  • Task Output Preview
  • Sort elements based on a parameter


  • Run bundles