GLYPH | Tag Already Tagged Error

Hey Glyph Team,

I am trying to make a task bundle that tags a single element with three different tags. This is a workflow our electrical team uses. They will tag a fixture with three different tags, that all have a different readout (Fixture type, height, and a comment) They prefer doing separate tags, rather then a single tag with the all the labels in a single tag so they have more flexibility in the tag location on the plan.

However, Glyph won’t re-tag already tagged items, even though I have a different annotation family selected to tag the same element.

Please see attached itages.

Is it possible to turn off the code that doesn’t allow you to tag already tagged elements?

Hi @bhackman,

Unfortunately, this feature is not available with Glyph. Glyph always tries to avoid re-tagging the same elements twice. However, this feature has been added to the backlog and will be included in future releases.

Thank you for the suggestion!

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Thanks Miguel! ill upload the images anyways for the record

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