Glyph - Road Map Questions

There’s a few key elements that I believe you are working on but we urgently need;
Dimension to linked files
Dimension to adjacent walls

Any assistance on when these are going to be added? Otherwise we will have to cancel the subscription

Hi @JonGill,

  • Dimension linked elements: We plan to work on this feature during Q4 of this year.
  • Dimension to adjacent walls: You should be able to do this using the latest Glyph release. Unless you are looking for something else? If so, can you share an example of what you are looking for?

Thank you!

Hi Miguel,

So for example we are trying to set up a task to dimension to walls and furniture in the room. but we can only get it work if you the tie condition to Tie to nearest grid. Unless we are doing something incorrect?

Q4 to release or begin working on it?

Many thanks

Now it makes sense, but to make sure, are you trying to “group” or tie the furniture to the nearest wall?
We currently don’t have a timeline for this feature but you can see our road map here: road map. The Road Map is in order of how many feature requests that feature gets.

We plan to release linked model dimensions in Q4.

Hope this helps!

Hi Miguel,

Thats great in that case i think we will need to ask for a refund as currently Glyph wont fit our needs and create more work arounds that solutions. Who is best to speak to?


You can email Ben Brun, our Client Relations Executive at

Thanks for trying Glyph!