Veras - Release 1.7

Download new version here: Windows | Mac Sketchup | Mac Vectorworks

SketchUp Mac Update Instructions: Updating Veras for SketchUp on Mac
SketchUp Mac First Install Instructions: Installing Veras for SketchUp on Mac
Vectorworks Mac Install and Update Instructions: Getting Started with Veras for Vectorworks


  • New Enhance Render feature available under the EDIT tab
  • SSO Login - users can now sign in using Single Sign On!
    • available for enterprise licenses
    • please contact us to get setup
    • this is now available for all flavors of Veras: the web app, all plugins supported, and the SDK integrations
  • 16:9 default resolution for the Veras plugins.
    • Affected plugins: Revit, Rhino, SketchUp, Forma and Vectorworks
    • this also affects the SDK
  • Render Selection from base image



  • name change for the REFINE tab to EDIT
    • this change will better reflect the current and future features that will be available in this tab
  • EULA updates
    • the EULA and the Privacy policy for Veras are now combined into a single document for clarity
    • additional clarity on the opt out analytics data
    • link: Veras EULA & Privacy Policy


  • fix for detecting the Forma context, where the web app would load instead of the Veras for Forma version

Enhance Render

2024-05-07 - 14-40-56 - SketchUp

2024-05-07 - 14-51-55

2024-05-07 - 14-55-47

2024-05-07 - 15-05-26

Enhance Render with Render Selection

2024-05-07 - 15-21-01 - vlc

Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


  • Revit 2025 Support
  • SketchUp MSI install path, more friendly for mass deployment: reference link
