Veras install via sccm

I am deploying EvolveLAB Veras v via SCCM. After the install I only see the tool in Revit and Rhino. It does not appear in Sketchup 2023. If I perform the install manually with the .msi the tool appears successfully however this is not practical.

The Veras MSI installer copies files to the directories below:

The %AppData% is a user specific directory:

It could be that the deployment is not using the same user, and it doesn’t appear for the logged in user.

SketchUp also allows loading extensions form %ProgramData%. Pointing the installation there allows for all users logged in to access the extension.

In my recollection, older versions of SketchUp would have issues using this directory, and we opted to use the %AppData% one. It’s the one SketchUp recommends. However, I tested Veras with the %ProgramData% location and it works properly. Still, we would probably want to make this directory an optional flag in the MSI, something like SKETCHUPALLUSERS=TRUE flag.

For now, there’s an updated MSI that uses %ProgramData% for SketchUp: EvolveLAB_Veras_v1.7.0.2.msi

Let me know if this solves the issue.

Another solution might be a SCCM configuration. Perhaps there’s an “ALL-USERS” flag (I’m not familiar with SSCM)

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Thank you Ben. This new version ( is working quite nicely. Appreciate your assistance!


There’s a new patch release that fixes a missing folder when installing SketchUp using the ProgramData location: Veras - Release 1.7 - #2 by Ben

MSI Download: EvolveLAB_Veras_Setup.msi

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