Veras - Release 1.6

Download new version here: Windows | Mac Sketchup | Mac Vectorworks

SketchUp Mac Update Instructions: Updating Veras for SketchUp on Mac
SketchUp Mac First Install Instructions: Installing Veras for SketchUp on Mac
Vectorworks Mac Install and Update Instructions: Getting Started with Veras for Vectorworks


  • V6 Render Engine - major improvements to rendering quality:
    • darker / richer tones
    • better color balance
    • more balanced contrast
    • less plastic like aesthetic at high prompt strength values
    • works with black and white sketches
    • better background / entourage that is not modeled
  • Render Selection Blend
    • allows changing the edge blur amount for the render selected image blend with the background render
    • only available for V6


  • minor bug fixes


  • Veras can now be easily integrated in any web app, with a few lines of code from the SDK!!!
  • Check out this sample integration with a simple Vue sketch app
  • Here’s the GitHub repo with the source code and integration instructions

V6 Quality

V6 Sketch Image Input

2024-03-05 - 14-05-42 - chrome
sketch credit: Dan Kalkman
reference workflow: From Sketch to Render with the V6 Render Engine

V6 Render Selection Blend

2024-03-05 - 14-21-41 - vlc
reference workflow: Using the Render Selection Blend to Merge Parts of Different Renderings on a Train Station Model

Veras Web App Integration


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Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


For certain prompts, the renders would appear to be less sharp on Revit and Rhino when using the new v6 Render Engine. This is now fixed!!

2024-02-23 - 13-29-10

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Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.

UX Improvements

  • when uploading an image in the web app, set the aspect ratio as close as possible to the original
  • when a new render is generated, do not set it as the active one
    • this prevents the text prompt to be overwritten
  • added UI new renders badge, to show new renders that have not been viewed
    • clicking the new render count badge, selects the next new render that has not been viewed
  • left / right keyboard shortcuts no longer changes the render when a text box is active
    • this prevents the text prompt to be overwritten
  • ability to delete unwanted renders
  • updated keyboard shortcuts:
    • [Ctrl] + [Enter] - start new render
    • [Delete] - delete selected render
    • [Shift] + [S] - save selected render
    • [O] - toggle base / rendered image
    • [P] - start pen tool in Refine Mode

2024-02-28 - 16-48-36 - SketchUp

SketchUp Improvements

  • adjusted SketchUp base image line thickness to be more pronounced
    • this allows Veras to more accurately render the geometrical features

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Thanks Ben. Whatever you’ve done 1.6 is producing what seems to me to be images nothing short of divine:


Looking great!

I like the interior kitchen shot the most.

Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


Reverted the SketchUp base image lineweight to the values.

Veras - Release

Veras + Vectorworks

  • Veras is available for Vectorworks on Windows and Mac! Follow this link to get access to the installers: Veras + Vectorworks

Stability/Bug Fixes

  • “Preview Image Error” bug fix in Rhino and Revit for times when preview image syncs properly, but error is still displayed.
  • In Revit and Rhino, when more than one rendering is completed at roughly the same time, none of those renderings will fail to be auto-saved any longer.

Muy buen trabajo, yo creo que la inclusiĂłn de personas permite una mejor percepciĂłn de la escala en la imagen.
Very good work, I thought the inclusion of people to improve the perception of scale in the image was particularly good.

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Veras - Release

This update only applies to the web app, and is already deployed.


Veras SDK now allows for integrations with .Net Desktop apps! Check out the SDK documentation here: EvolveLAB.Veras.SDK/DotNetSample at main · EvolveLAB/EvolveLAB.Veras.SDK · GitHub

2024-03-16 - 22-49-41

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Veras - Release



Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


  • Fixed save-as filename bug due to period in prompt for SketchUp, Forma and Standalone web app

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Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


Button which downloads latest Veras installer was broken for users of the Vectorworks plug-in–now fixed.