Getting Started with Veras Rhino

1. Install Veras

  • Download the installer for windows here: Veras Installer (Windows)
  • Run the downloaded msi installer, which will add the Veras extension to Rhino
  • NOTE: we currently don’t support Rhino for Mac
  • NOTE: Rhino 7 & 8 is supported

2. Rhino Viewport Setup

  • Set the viewport to Render Preview mode
  • Optionally, you can change the background to gradient

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3. Start Veras

  • Type “Veras” in the command line


4. Render the View

NOTE: images are automatically saved. You can change this behavior in the settings:

5. Updating the View

  • To update the view, click the “Refresh Preview Image” button (the circular arrow icon) in the toolbar
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  • You can toggle between the Rhino view and the Veras renderings using the Eye icon button on the top of the toolbar
    2024-03-02 - 01-27-03


Looks very exciting! Will this be also available for Mac?

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We will first release the SketchUp version for windows, then the mac versions for Rhino & SketchUp.

Hey! Is Veras available yet for Rhino 7 on Mac? I’d love to try it out.

@mikers not yet. We’re releasing the public SketchUp Windows version next week, and looking at adding Mac support for Rhino and SketchUp next.

Any updates for the release date of the mac support?

@sven - welcome to the forum!

We don’t have a release date. We’re hoping to have it release Q3 2023.