Any news when Veras will be available for ArchiCad?
@Architect - welcome to the forum!
We don’t have a release date, but we are planning on releasing the ArchiCad version next.
I am also very curious about the plugin for archicad. Please inform us if there is news about the release date!
@studioNINE - welcome to the forum!
We don’t have a release date. We’re hoping to have it release Q3/Q4 2023
Archicad “AI Visualizer” results look just like Veras? Re: post by Sam Cowley today on LinkedIn about a competition by Graphisoft to show “the power of the tool.” Just curious; is there a connection?
I guess the results are just close; I don’t really understand and how these programs work or how they operate. Sam Cowley has shown how the same prompt (cabin in the woods etc…) can get similar results.
@SketchVeraslady - It’s most likely a coincidence. Interesting find.
@Ben - Is there any update on when Veras for Archicad will be released?
@ACASA_Design - welcome to the forum!
We are planning to have this release in Q3 this year, and will update this post when it’s available.
@Ben also interested when you release it, just tagging the post to get notified
@AlexV Thanks for showing your interest. Just as a small update, we started working on the Archicad integration development earlier this week. Can’t say exactly how long it will take, but it’s in progress!
Veras for ArchiCad (Windows & Mac) is now officially released: Veras + Archicad - Release
A post was merged into an existing topic: Veras + Archicad - Release