Veras SketchUp - Error Generating the Image, Filename not specified

Ben still nothing :frowning:

The error you received indicates that in your code, the constant EvolveLAB::VerasUtilities::ErrorUtilities is not defined. It is likely required to perform certain operations within the VerasUtilities module.

To fix this error, you need to define this constant in the appropriate place. You can refer to the documentation or source code of the VerasUtilities module to learn how this constant should be defined and what values it should hold.

We have another patch for this issue: Veras

Can you test this version with the console turned on?

We have an update: Veras Installer (Windows)

Please let us know if the image issue is resolved for you machine.


Nothing new

We have another update: Veras Installer (Windows)

I cannot try more (

Ok now its working for me, but after testing about 20 generated renderings to find a satisfactory effect, the trial ended so i couldn’t test it fully. The fun lasted 10 minutes after waiting a few weeks for the update :frowning:

problem solved. Thank you

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@Slaw & @DeliciaDulce - I’ve extended your trials and added more renderings.

I want to thank everyone for their patience and helping us solve this issue.

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Thank you fore helping us use the AI

Hi Ben sorry but i dont see you added more renderings to my account :frowning: