Veras Preserving Textures

I had to remind myself that yes, although I have sometimes put graphics in a rendering after the fact in photoshop, I have typically used graphics on walls as materials in rendering programs, included in the rendering process, and results are a match of the original graphic. I prepared this for you. I had other examples too, in Vray, etc. but couldn’t easily find the original graphic image used. I guess you probably are well aware of this, but I actually had to remind myself! Thanks.

The images produced by Veras seem to refer to a probably enormous but limited register. For example, a stone or wood cladding texture are sometimes impossible to obtain (even with a material override set to zero), probably never learned, out of register. Ideally, we would have the possibility to feed the register with the project’s textures to familiarize it

@SketchVeraslady - I made this post a separate topic, as it talks about new functionality that we will be addressing.

This process is used by many of our users (bringing render in Photoshop, and masking). We are looking at enabling this workflow within Veras so that there’s no need to leave the app to make these kind of adjustments.

Thank you for highlighting this!

@bouilloc - we are actively working on improving the area specific prompting. Great feedback!

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