Veras: Issue with Rendering sharp edges in 3D Model / bad geometries


I’ve been encountering a recurring problem with rendering exteriors. Despite my efforts, the edges of the models often appear blurred and contain bad geometries, the background of my 3D model is a major problem (distant from the camera).
In the attached image you can see how the balconies becomes blurred and it is affecting the overall quality of my renders. I’ve experimented with different settings / prompts or 3d display modes in Rhino/ Revit, but the issue persists.

Has anyone else experienced a similar problem? Were you able to find a solution or a workaround in Veras?

Kindly thank you.
Best Regards,

@andrebratkowski - welcome to the forum!

I’ve updated your links to the images to display the images.

Regarding the detailed geometry, can you share more about your Revit / Rhino setup. A screengrab of the original would really help.

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it.

Let me provide some insights into my Revit/Rhino setup.
I am using Veras for Rhino, with ‘Geometry Override’ set between 10 and 0 to achieve photorealistic effect and preserve geometry details (curtain wall mullions and railings). My Rhino model is imported directly from Revit via Rhino.Inside (slabs, curtain walls and railings).

The output image becomes increasingly blurred in the background, suggesting potential errors in the geometry.

Best Regards,

Thank you for sharing the original - this helps with our testing. If possible, would it be possible to also share the .3dm Rhino file (you could use a direct message, also I understand if you can’t share this)

Certainly, I’m sending a link with the .3dm Rhino 7 file, it will expire within few days. Let me know if there’s anything else you need for testing or assistance with.

Best Regards,

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@andrebratkowski - I must have misplaced the file, and now the link expired. My apologies. Can you please provide another link?

Dear @Ben please find a new link to the file:

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Got it! Thank you. I’ll post my updates here.

I ran some quick tests, and it seems like the word “skyscraper” tends to make the results more distorted. Changing the prompt helped.

These are preliminary results, and they need more refinement. We’re working on V2 of Veras that will add better control. I’ll post more examples here as we improve this more.

Here’s a higher resolution version to see the details (there’s plenty of room for us to improve here):

And some close up shots:

Hi Ben,

Thanks so much for sharing the preliminary results and for your efforts in testing.

I’m eagerly anticipating the V2 and for improved control over the geometries. It sounds promising and will undoubtedly enhance our workflow significantly. Thanks again for your suppport, the samples are already looking better.

Kind regards,

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