Rhino 8 & Veras


Does anyone know when a version of Veras compatible with Rhino V8 is supposed to be launched?


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Hi @jonas.agr, thanks for posting!

And with a timely question! We’re set to be working on that at some point within the next 2 weeks. So you can probably expect that Rhino 8 will be supported by Veras by the end of next week.




That’s amazing!, I can’t wait. Thanks for the news.

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Hey @jonas.agr,

I’ve got a bit of an update for you. We are still checking out the best way to support Rhino 7 and Rhino 8 from both the user and developer perspective, but I actually found that we can already run Veras in Rhino 8 with a small tweak. Check out my new post below to see how:

Hopefully this works for you too!


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Rhino 8 is now officially supported without a workaround: Veras - Release 1.7

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