Render Failed: Error parsing scaler response data

I’ve been unable to render anything in Veras for Revit 2024 1.7.0 v6 due to this error (after maybe 15-20 minutes of trying to render). The issue also occurs in version 5, but in version 4 it changes to an internal server error.

It doesn’t seem to matter the project file, as it has occurred in every file I’ve tested.

Any ideas what the problem could be?

I’m getting the same error - I’m guessing it’s a general problem.

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I have also been having this issue. I am having this issue with both the Revit plug-in and the website version.

I have also been having this issue. I am having this issue with both the Revit plug-in and the website version.

@Andy-HPD , @springerarchi ,

Hi everyone,

We already have another thread going with the same issue: Render time too long - #8 by Ben

This is where we’ll consolidate all the communications to, and provide updates on the matter. Thanks for your patience.

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