Render time too long

@needhelp & @needhelp - apologies for the service degradation.

We are experiencing slow render times due to a third party update. We are working on resolving this ASAP, and will upload a patch as soon as we can. The patch might be just on the back-end, and might not affect the clients. We will post here new updates.

thank you for your attention. However Its much better this morning

Hi. Any updates? if I choose the 4 renders, the first one comes relatively fast (20+seconds) the rest take longer and longer, the latter comes close to 400+ seconds (based on information displayed)

any update on this? cuz its still vvvv slow

We’re working on releasing an update as soon as possible - we’ve made decent progress over the weekend.

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Update 1

We have removed the 3rd party dependency and the render speed should be faster than before. There are some limitations that we are still working on (for example Render Engine 4 has issues at the moment). We’ll update this post when everything is back to normal. For now v5, and v6 work quite well. Please let us know how the render times are going.


I am still struggling with render times. I am not sure if it is related or not to the error that I have been getting today of “Error parsing scaler response data”, but it has been taking upwards of 10-20 minutes to even get this error to pop up on my screen. This error is new to me today, but I have been struggling with the render times overall for about a week now. It seems to have gotten slower.

@kcrawford ,

Sorry for the interruptions in service. The long rendering times, and failures could be due to a number of reasons: we have been migrating our rendering service to other servers, we have been reconciling a third party software change that affects some SketchUp users, and lastly, we had a significant spike in traffic earlier–which I believe was exacerbated by the first two reasons.

These specific issues should be resolved, according to the individual working on them. Please let us know whether or not you continue to experience long render times, or frequent failures.

Hi Greg - thanks for the quick response. I just opened Revit to attempt my renderings again and stumbled upon the same error message of “Error parsing scaler response data”. It seems to be working faster since I got this error message within 30 seconds instead of 20 minutes this time. Any help with possible solutions to this error?

Thanks again!

@kcrawford ,

Looking into it now. What would be an estimate of the ratio of success : failure that you’re experiencing currently with renderings? Is it still failing every time for you?

Hi Greg,
Hey just to add my 2 cents worth I’ve noticed that as long as I keep the seed image dimensions with width less than or equal to 2K pixels there’s no issue. The moment I increase the width the render time goes up followed by the
fail message appearing.


Thanks for the observation! You are correct about that. The error that people are experiencing will only be triggered if working with higher resolutions. The exact resolution cutoff will depend on which render engine you have selected in the settings.

For v5 and v6, if you were to keep one of your width/height sliders at the minimum of 1024 (doesn’t have to be both), then you should avoid this error. For v4, you would need to keep at least one of the sliders at the minimum of 768.

Will provide further updates here on our progress with the persisting bug later today.


They are failing 100% of the time.

@kcrawford If you’re using render engine 4, this seems to be failing 100% of the time, and with a different error. If that’s what you’re using, I would switch to v5 or v6, and follow the above advise for now. (sorry!)

(I’m hearing there are still some cloud service transitions going on.)

Update 2

The Error parsing scaler response data error is now resolved for v5 & v6 engines.

Known Issues that are being worked on

  • Upscaling images beyond 4k is still an issue that needs to be resolved
  • Enhancing images
  • V4 Render Engine

Thank you @kcrawford & @vache for testing!!


Update 3

  • Enhancing images render speed is restored!
  • V4 Render Engine is restored
  • Upscaling limits are now improved (there are some issues with super high rez upscales)

We will continue to monitor performance. Please let us know if you are experiencing any issues.

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i am having the same problem, recently, it stopped rendering altogether

i keep getting this message
Render failed due to the following error:

Error: <!doctype html> 500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

You can share this issue with us and see if a solution has already been developed by visiting the forum.

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Mine outputs Error: ‘output’, line 159

Same here in SketchUp