Questions for Better Result

  1. It seems Emphasis using parenthesis not working. Has it been modified?

  2. Can I use Midjourney Word like ‘–no’ ? If not, what should I do if I want to erase something specific?
    ex) no buildings besides

  3. What is the best way to express the glass window? Does it help to give a lot of transparency to glass in ghost mode? it seems work better to remove glass at all

4.1. I’m not sure which view (display mode) works better.(I think Render > Material > Arctic > Shaded) Or does it read better if I mark ‘Surface Edge’?

4.2. Can you tell me which ‘Render Elements / Channels’ Veras uses?

  1. Should lights depend on random? The location mark of the light is read as an image. (Like Reference Image, Maple leaves and firecrackers are printed like the shape of sphere lights)

My Final Image: