Is there a planned release for Sketchup 2024 support?

We are using Sketchup 2024 in the office - so I would like to hear when you plan to have support for Sketchup 2024? :slight_smile:


We have an early access release build in the works, which will provide support for SketchUp 2024.

However, please note that our current build is no longer compatible with SketchUp 2024 due to a recent update. We’re actively working on a new patch that will resolve this issue and bring back compatibility. You can stay updated on our progress by checking out the early access thread: Veras - Canary Release - SketchUp 2024

Additionally, we’re also tackling some underlying issues with sign-in connectivity and render times in SketchUp 2024. As soon as these are resolved, we’ll be including the updated build in our main releases.


Hi Ben

Thanks for the reply.

Does this version overwrite the version I have installed for Sketchup 2023? if so - does it work ok in 2023?


It doesn’t. Each extension gets installed independently for each SketchUp version.

Ok - cool :slight_smile:


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