Glyph - Canary Release 2.0

Download the early access version here: Installer

Features :tada:

  • Faster UI: Experience a much quicker and more responsive interface.

    • Faster UI
  • New UI features

  • New Dimension Settings

    • Annotation collision for each category
    • Dimension style for each category
    • New wall dimension option: Plan: Exterior wall length & center openings
    • Group dimensions setting
      • Only available for the walls category and when any of the wall exterior dimension options are checked.
        New setting
  • New tag settings

  • Create views by Category Task - New setting

    • View sorting output
      • Only available when the “Create views by category” task is in a bundle.
        New setting



  • The Import Sheets by Spreadsheet task is not available in this early access version but will be included in the public release of 2.0.

  • Important: If you are loading old tasks with complex sheet pack layouts, you will need to redraw them using our new UI. This redesign was necessary to allow for more customization and features in future releases.

In Progress :clock1:

To be released in public 2.0

  • Revit 2025 support
  • Import sheets by spreadsheet task
  • Allow the window to be increased in width
  • Copilot improvements

What is the use case for the ‘View sorting output’ option. I was testing it out and could not figure out what exactly it was doing?

Good question, @Elliottk ! The view sorting output is used to sequence and organize the views on the sheet.

For example, when creating exterior wall elevations of a building, this feature ensures that the views are placed in chronological order.


  1. Create a bundle that groups the following tasks:

    • Create views by category (select exterior walls)
    • Create sheets by category
    • Place views on sheets
  2. Adjust the parameter value of the “mark” parameter for each wall based on how you want the views to be distributed.

    • Wall 1 has the parameter “mark” value of: A
    • Wall 2 has the parameter “mark” value of: B
    • Wall 3 has the parameter “mark” value of: C
  3. Set the view sorting output to:

    • Parameter: Mark
    • Sorting Option: Ascending
  4. Glyph will ensure that the views are organized in the following order (A, B, C) before placing them on a sheet.

Hope this makes sense.


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To install the new version, please use the link above.

Bugs :bug:

  • Fixed the issue where the scope box name parameter was not filtering the element selection list
  • Fixed the issue where selected elements were getting erased when switching from task to task
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Thanks for the explanation but I still appear to be having difficulties. I tried to recreate the steps you outlines using curtain walls.

Here are the walls in question. The tags are displaying the ‘mark’ values.

My first attempt was to sort by mark in a descending order.

With the following results.

I then tried with the sort set to ascending and got the same result.

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It looks like it’s only doing descending for both settings. I have added this bug to the backlog and it will be fixed in Thank you!