Glyph - Canary Release 2.0

Download the early access version here: Installer

Features :tada:

  • Faster UI: Experience a much quicker and more responsive interface.

    • Faster UI
  • New UI features

  • New Dimension Settings

    • Annotation collision for each category
    • Dimension style for each category
    • New wall dimension option: Plan: Exterior wall length & center openings
    • Group dimensions setting
  • New tag settings

  • Create views by Category Task - New setting

    • View sorting output
      • Only available when the “Create views by category” task is in a bundle.
        New setting



  • The Import Sheets by Spreadsheet task is not available in this early access version but will be included in the public release of 2.0.

  • Important: If you are loading old tasks with complex sheet pack layouts, you will need to redraw them using our new UI. This redesign was necessary to allow for more customization and features in future releases.

In Progress :clock1:

To be released in public 2.0

  • Revit 2025 support
  • Import sheets by spreadsheet task
  • Allow the window to be increased in width
  • Copilot improvements

What is the use case for the ‘View sorting output’ option. I was testing it out and could not figure out what exactly it was doing?

Good question, @Elliottk ! The view sorting output is used to sequence and organize the views on the sheet.

For example, when creating exterior wall elevations of a building, this feature ensures that the views are placed in chronological order.


  1. Create a bundle that groups the following tasks:

    • Create views by category (select exterior walls)
    • Create sheets by category
    • Place views on sheets
  2. Adjust the parameter value of the “mark” parameter for each wall based on how you want the views to be distributed.

    • Wall 1 has the parameter “mark” value of: A
    • Wall 2 has the parameter “mark” value of: B
    • Wall 3 has the parameter “mark” value of: C
  3. Set the view sorting output to:

    • Parameter: Mark
    • Sorting Option: Ascending
  4. Glyph will ensure that the views are organized in the following order (A, B, C) before placing them on a sheet.

Hope this makes sense.


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To install the new version, please use the link above.

Bugs :bug:

  • Fixed the issue where the scope box name parameter was not filtering the element selection list
  • Fixed the issue where selected elements were getting erased when switching from task to task
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Thanks for the explanation but I still appear to be having difficulties. I tried to recreate the steps you outlines using curtain walls.

Here are the walls in question. The tags are displaying the ‘mark’ values.

My first attempt was to sort by mark in a descending order.

With the following results.

I then tried with the sort set to ascending and got the same result.

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It looks like it’s only doing descending for both settings. I have added this bug to the backlog and it will be fixed in Thank you!

Thanks for letting me test out the latest version.

First of all, I love the UI speed increase – huge improvement! Little improvements like a preview of the naming scheme and simplifying the UI for the task logs go a long way. Grouping dimension strings is also a very nice improvement.

Possible Bugs

  • Error messages stay visible even when task log has collapsed.

  • There no longer seems to be a way to quickly search though a list of level, view, or parameter names to quickly narrow down results. I thought I remembered in the previous version I was able to search for some text values to quickly find what I wanted.

  • The compact UI is problematic when working with long parameter names or values.

  • Initially, dimensioning overall wall lengths with tie to all grids specified did not tie to any grid. However, after updating to latest version this now works.

  • In one dimensioning test, a few dimension strings generated at an angle. I did not have grouping enabled for this test. With grouping enabled, the dimensions were as expected.

  • When dimensioning to center of openings , the leader line to the center was too short. Probably not a bug but some way to control this would be a nice improvement.

  • When dimensioning gridlines I often get 0" dimensions at end grids.

  • I no longer saw any control over how far horizontally or vertically views would be spaced on sheets. I still find that this ability would be helpful as the tightness of the packed sheet views still left me having to manually adjust the spacing.

  • When packing sheets with automatic new sheets being created for overflow, overflow sheets do not get set parameter values applied that the initial sheet was created with. In the example, the parameters we use to sort and organize our browser did not get applied to the automatically created overflow sheets. I have previously reported this bug.


  • The ability to drag and reorder naming scheme fields would provide a quality-of-life improvement over having to delete and recrate to reorder.
  • It would be nice to have the ability to quickly show only the selected elements in a long list of views, etc. Currently have to scroll though list to confirm selections.
  • Reorder the task log list so the most recent task is at the top of the list.

Hi, I’m trying to use the new version with Revit 2025.2 and it doesn’t add the plugin. Any solution?

Hi @AxelSalazar,
Per the above post, we are actively working on Revit 2025 support. In the interim, a solution would be to use an earlier version Revit (if you can). I’m sorry for the inconvenience.


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Hi @elliott.klinger,

First of all, thank you very much for your feedback. This is exactly the feedback we are looking for during this Canary release stage. We will implement these changes before we go public with the 2.0 release.

Thank you again!



A few UI suggestions on this latest release:

  1. The user should be able to rearrange the order in which the sheets get placed on a sheet when using the “Map Views” feature in a Place Views on Sheets Task. As of now, dragging them to rearrange is not a feature.


  1. Using Ctrl+click to multi select views in the Unassigned Views column then using an “add or subtract arrow” found in the Revit Schedule View window to add them to a selected sheet

  1. The UI does not save the Views that have been added to the sheets in the “map views to sheets window” if you hit cancel, causing you to redo work. This would be an inconvenience if mapping multiple views to multiple sheets

  2. Add a search bar that filters out any sheets or views by name

@Sterling ,

Thank you very much for these suggestions!

#1 (Reorder) and #4 (search bar + only show selected elements) will be included in this Friday’s release!



Thank you for all the feedback received!
To install the new version, please use the link above.

Features :tada:

  • Map views with sheets - Reorder
  • Reorder
  • Task Search bar

    • Task search
  • Element Search bar

    • Element search bar
  • Show only selected elements

    • Show only selected elements

Bugs :bug:

  • Fixed issues with the user interface when Revit elements are excessively long
  • Fixed dimensioning issue “Curve too small”
  • Fixed metric offset values not saving correctly for the dimension views by category task
  • Re-introduced horizontal and vertical spacing options for the “place views on sheet” task.
  • Fixed sorting views descending option not working properly

Coming Soon :clock1:

  • Revit 2025 support -

You guys are on top of it!!


I noticed some weird UI issues and it seems like some thing are getting cut off.

Excessively long parameter names are still cut off and hard to decipher. Maybe the upcoming ability to resize the UI will address this issue.

I noticed that the progress bar often gets stuck when running a bundle. In my testing the bar consistently got stuck on the first task and never progressed.

Hi @elliott.klinger,

As always, thank you for your feedback! We will identify the source of these issues and fix them in the next release.

Regarding the progress bar getting stuck: Does the progress bar go away when the bundle is completed?


Yes. The progress bar just gets stuck on the first task but once the process is complete the progress bar goes away.

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I’m not sure if this is unique to this release, but when I run a tag category Task, Glyph reads all elements behind the wall. When Adjust the Far Clip Offset it changes which elements are tagged, but I would like the elevation views to have a Far Clip Offset of around 50’ to capture any sloped roofs on the building at a later time.

Does Glyph by default read all elements behind certain visible elements in a view?

@Sterling Good question! This isn’t unique to this release but Glyph will try to tag all elements in the view. Since technically the elements are in the view due to your 50’ far clip offset, Glyph will try to tag those as well, even though they are behind other elements.

In the future, we will introduce a feature that will automatically detect elements behind certain visible elements, and skip those, if you want.


To install the new version, please use the link above.

Features :tada:

  • Revit 2025
    • Glyph is now available in Revit 2019 - 2025

Improvements :roller_coaster:

  • Pick elements: Unselect button
    • image

Bugs :bug:

  • Fixed UI issues when the window is zoomed in or out.
  • Fixed dimensioning by line mode when multiple views are selected.
  • Fixed the issue where tag categories were not importing properly.
  • Fixed dimension wall options not saving correctly.
  • Fixed issues with structural framing tagging.
  • Fixed the UI not opening correctly when running a task in the Revit Ribbon for the second time.