Dependent View by Scope Box

When I try to create dependent views using scope boxes the Parent View used for the created views is typically the default view or the first view created for a specified level. Am I missing something or is there a glitch in creating dependent views by scope box?

For example: When I select MASTER FLOOR PLAN - LEVEL 3 as the parent view and hit run, the dependent views are created under Working - Level 3 floor plan. If I try to run the task again it creates additional dependent views under Working - Level 3.

@hirammrom ,

Good question! By any chance are you selecting multiple levels in the selection tab or are you selecting just Level 3?

Currently, Glyph only allows you to select 1 parent view, therefore if you select multiple levels (Example: Level 1, Level 2, Level 3) but you selected a parent view (which uses Level 01 - image for reference), then for Level 2 and Level 3 is going to pick the first view created for a specific level.


We are improving this feature so you can easily pick multiple parent views, which will fix this area of improvement.

Initially I was trying to do multiple levels. And oddly it works great aside from the fact it uses the single original view.

I then tried to use a single level/single parent view but the same issue occurred meaning the same original view is used instead of selected parent view.

The task works great for new views. And alternatively I can create dependent views without using the scope box task - this one just reduces a few steps which has the potential to be extremely useful for my firms workflow.

Thanks for the additional information. I was able to replicate it and it will be fixed before the next release.

Thanks for reporting this bug!

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Hi @hirammrom ,

Just wanted to let you know that we have fixed this bug and released a new version. You can download the new installer here:

Thanks again for the feedback!


Awesome! Downloading now.

Very appreciative.

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