Would like a feedback section

It would be nice to have a separate feedback section for Veras (perhaps not even public?). Sometimes I would like to make a suggestion and don’t need a response exactly, or immediate solution.

I am really happy using engine 5 for interiors, but I keep thinking about exteriors, and have been curious about some different results I’ve gotten. The gazebo Sketchup image below (by someone else; I have permission to use it) I ran in the Veras app engine 5, and I think the results are incredible, and that’s technically an “exterior.” Yet when I run houses (standard models from 3D warehouse), I get a different look, see below. They aren’t very photorealistic, have too many lights, and little site or foliage development.

Maybe Veras is looking at the Gazebo drawing and mainly seeing “nature,” and goes to town and does a beautiful job. Whereas with the other, maybe it mainly sees a “built house or building” and does something different, perhaps making foliage lower priority, even though that’s so important. (But it can obviously do a beautiful site and foliage, according to the Gazebo drawing). It also seems to provide some cue to bring in too many lights.

I prefer the look of the Gazebo; it has some of the quality of the original Veras.

Gazebo SketchUp image by Ichrak Fitouri.

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@SketchVeraslady ,

That’s an interesting idea about the feedback/suggestion mechanism. That’s something we can talk about internally.

In the model with the gazebo, it seems to me as though the v5 engine is able to do a good job distinguishing the boundary between the background and the plane that the model sits on, and then use that as fuel (however minimal) for elaboration.

On the contrary with the housing, there’s either “busy” linework or blank space. Where there is busy linework, it seems the AI tries to be much more minimal and hands-off with introducing new geometries and objects. But then within the blank space above the housing there is just one solid background without any differentiation and it doesn’t seem to attempt anything there. Of course, in contrast, the v4 engine would be quite generative and elaborative with that space. It’s pretty interesting, the stark generative difference you get between a two-tone background and a one-tone with the same v5 engine.

As for the excessive lighting, I don’t have any ideas about what causes that. Hopefully just a one-off, random result, and not an “out of touch” tendency of the AI.