Using Veras Ai with Revit 2024 width can not be changed in version 5

Working on a rendering in Veras Ai with Revit 2024, after the update i am not able to change the width of the image. Any help would be helpful.

Welcome to the forum, @RBA, and thanks for posting your question here!

I want to help you out as quickly as possible here, but first want to clarify the problem you’re having. Is the issue that the “width” slider UI component isn’t responsive? Or is the issue that despite how far you zoom out in the Revit view to frame the entirety of the building, that change is still not reflected in the Veras image?



Also, you may already be aware of this from previous versions, but it could be worth stating if it’s something you hadn’t explored yet. The sliders for height and width are not present in “refine” mode, which you are in. They are only present in “explore” and “compose” modes since “refine” mode is meant to be used for smaller portions of the image.



I have the same problem. I just downloaded the plug in for my 2023 Revit and I cannot change width or height in Explore or Compose mode. The slider doesn’t want to move and when I try to type resolution manually it still does not let me do it. Id this because of the trail?
Please advise

Welcome to the forum @darek,

Yes, you’re right. This actually is because of having a trial. When you hover over the corresponding “info” icon next to any one of the components of the user interface, it will tell you whether that component is a paid feature or not. This is true of the width and height sliders, and also the render seed feature – as shown in the screenshot below:


Using render engine 4 from settings, you actually open up lower resolutions and have a tiny bit of flexibility to be able to affect the aspect ratio to a small degree:



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Looking for a resolution to this issue. When I try to render an elevation view, the width slider is responsive but does not extend far enough to view the whole image. I am only able to render the center portion of the elevation view and the ends are cut off.

You can try to make the crop visible and/or make the crop size larger as well.

I tried that without any luck. I found a work around in the meantime. I added some model geometry above and below my model to increase the height of the rendered area which in turn increased the width of the rendered area to include the full extents of my elevation view.