Sheets from Excel import is throwing a null object exception

I’m encountering the above error when i try to use the import sheets from excel task. Everything seems fine until:

I blocked out proprietary information, in the image the important thing to note is the lack of headers at the top of the column. Pulling down on the little drop down arrow yields . Selecting this for each header results in a bunch of sheets created, but not named nor numbered beyond the default Revit naming sequencing.


Showing the top few lines of my excel file.

Thank you!

Hi @TrentB ,

Thank you for your feedback! Do you have any sheets in your model? Could you create 1 empty sheet and then try opening Glyph/the task again?

Thank you!

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That appears to be the null object:


After creating the single sheet as recommended, Glyph Task worked just as expected.

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Thank you for testing this. We will improve it for the next release.