I had an idea for a feature request to add the ability to order the way the levels are processed when creating views. Currently it seems Glyph is limited to alphabetical sorting which results in some levels and by association sheets being created in the wrong order. Having the ability to change the ordering logic would be a big improvement and mean that manual renumbering of the sheets would not be needed.
This is on their roadmap and i agree would be a big quality of life improvement. In the meantime the workaround would be to select them in the order you need them. Using your example, run the B1 first by itself. Then run 01, 02, Roof in the second run. The packages are so fast to run that this shouldn’t slow you down too much and would prevent you from having to manually re-number the sheets.
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Great idea! We actually already have this feature on our roadmap, but we appreciate you bringing it up. Suggestions like yours help us prioritize which features to work on first.
Thank you, this is what I have been doing and it works great as a workaround. Appreciate your help and the teams hard work.
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