Naming Scheme - Retrieving Room Number


I noticed that when I have my properties for the naming scheme setup as shown below, the room number automatically gets renumber during creation so there are 3 callouts for the same room named differently in the project browser. I totally understand why, as views can’t be named the same in the browser. I can see how someone could have run this command and not know that there were already callouts made for the rooms they wanted since the callouts are now named with the incorrect room number. Would it make sense to have Glyph just add a number to the end of the view so the user knows that there must be other views made for the same view?

Hi @mschiltz,

That’s a good suggestion, and it will be updated for the upcoming release 2.1.

Thanks for the feedback!


Appreciate it, Miguel! Thanks for your consideration!

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Hi @mschiltz,

We’ve released a new update that addresses the issue you were experiencing.

Thanks again for your feedback!