Download the new version here: Morphis Installer
Download the Revit 2022 pre-mapped sample file here: OfficeTestModel1_R2022_0.1.1.0.rvt
- added filled region support as Revit input element
- added module material color editor
- removed dependency on Revit materials for module colors
- added ability to bake simple walls (hard coded)
Bug Fixes
- fixed highlight color when editing paths
- fixed bug with user drawn paths on levels with different elevations
- fixed baked family hosting to level bug
Known Issues
- mapped families do not have a rotation compensation input
- when baking families, the family level host has an odd offset, even though it is hosted to the correct level
- multiple paths do not clean up correctly
- cannot generate designs for multiple rooms yet (need to delete the current iteration before moving to the next)