Mixed View Creation in Bundle - Sheet Placement Error


Working on a bundle and came across an error in the placing views on sheet task. Most of the bundle uses “by scope box” workflow, however because I want to create elevations of the room I am scope boxing around, I use the “by room” workflow for the elevations. See screenshot below:


Everything ran fine, however the elevation views were not placed on the sheet and the log shows the following error:

Is mismatching the tasks types in the bundle not possible for view placement on sheets? Instead of output from previous task, could it look at the output of views within the bundle as a whole?

The other option could be a setting within the elevation by scope box task that would allow a single elevation point to be created at the center of the scope box instead of an elevation on each side of the scope box looking in.

Thanking you!

Hi @jrhoe,

Mismatching the task types in the bundle is available but only for certain instances, we plan to improve it to allow any configuration within the bundle. It gets tricky, as Glyph needs to know where to place the views on the sheets. This gets complicated when having multiple task types (Example: room + scope box).

Thank you for your feedback! We will use this example as a testing resource when improving the bundle logic.
