This new task will create several elevations (depending on how many families you have on your project) of all your families based on the category you selected. Note: This task does not use legend view type views with legend components, instead it will create a wall and place all the families used on your project. Please select a phase on the setting to avoid family instances showing up on your schedule.
Categories available: Doors and Windows
Additional Settings: Add Dimensions with an option to override the dimension with a text, such as “See schedule”
Bug Fixes
Fix sheet packing task not placing legends/schedules
Fix sheet packing task legend setting disappearing after running the task
Fix/improve sheet packing task to increase the placement of views on the sheet
Fix exterior wall dimensions setting “Rough openings” not dimensioning windows
Fix legends showing up on the element selection list after undo/redo
To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.
Legend Creation Task Updates
Added “phase demolished” setting
Added “None” to the list of phases
Bug Fixes
Fixed dimensions not using the right reference of the wall (Core center line reference not working and exterior wall dimensions getting the interior face of the wall)
Fixed legend creation not working properly
Fixed elevation direction label being lowercase when the uppercase is turned on
Fixed lighting fixtures dimensions not working properly
Fixed sheet packing task error “Object not set to an instance of an object”
Fixed grid dimensioning error showing up in the UI
Fixed tag task not working when the task is added to a bundle