Error: Error finding customer when rendering with Veras!

when trying to render for the first time i get this Error: “Error finding customer when rendering with Veras”
Ive tried both in revit and the web version.

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I’m getting the same error unfortunately.

Yeah I have the same thing and there’s nothing online that tells you how to fix it

same here. i am not sure what to do.

@Hazema Is this happening every single time you try to make a render?

it seems to work now, i had to contact Admin here and restart the computer. All good. Thanks

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@Emily, are you still experiencing the issue on every attempt at a new rendering?

I am still experiencing the issue on every attempt at a new rendering. plase help me

@jonsnow, the part of the application that issues this error is the part that interacts with Stripe, which we use for accounts/payments. I’m wondering if simply logging out and logging back in will be an effective remedy–Stripe might just need some time, on its end, to process some change in the Stripe system. Are you a new Veras user, or have you had a recent change to your account status?

Thanks, (and great name, btw)
