I created a Task that places elevation markers at a 3D casework family (named “Elevation Plane”) that is being used to represent a building face. This is being done to elevate a building with irregular sides that do not align to a Scope Box.
the elevation markers pointing to the the Elevation Plane running East / West have the correct extents, while the North / South Elevation Plane have incorrect extents.
I suspect this is due to the Elevation Plane being originally created in the East / West direction, but if I’m just rotating it, I would hope the elevation marker would match the orientation. I have tried making a similar elevation plane family as a generic model too.
On a somewhat related note, the Set Parameter option for the Far Clip Offset does not seem to work. This is relatively minor, as I can select all views and change the Far Clip Offset at the same time, but figured I would also address this too.
Thanks for looking into this!