Is there a way to change the unit system (from imperial to metric) on the Offset From the Element field of the dimensioning tasks?
Hi @orgeslesha,
Thank you for posting in our Forum. The units displayed in the UI are always correlated to the units of your Revit Model. In an upcoming release, we have actually deleted the β(ft)β text from the UI to avoid confusion.
Please, let us know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
Hi @Miguel
it looks like offsets to crop regions when creating views by rooms are still set to imperial units rather than referencing the project units. Can it be set to either reference the project units or select the units to input offsets?
Hi @surajsankar,
Thank you for reporting this bug, we are working on fixing this issue across the entire UI. We will release a new version early next week. I will let you know once it is ready.
Hi @surajsankar & @orgeslesha ,
I am happy to let you know that we have fixed the bug you found with the metric units and you can now install the newest version using the link below:
Thank you!