Account verification

Hello, I don´t receive a verification email for my account with my student e-mail.
Even though I manage to login in on my normal account (no student mail).
I need the account under my student e-mail to pruchase veras (student license).
(My email is accepted for a student license).

@Devmi - welcome to the forum!

Did you happen to check the junk mail folder?
If you did not get the email, you can re-request it. If you are not getting any emails afterwards, let me know, and we can figure out a solution.

Yes I checked the Junk-Mail and the Spam folder, both empty.

You should be able to access the account now.

Hello, can you please check my account please? i have submitted this email as UNI email, but my account was created with another one. I still cant purchase the student version.
Thank you.

@Wildpingv To purchase a student license, you’ll have to create an account tied to your educational email address. Once you do that, and your UNI email’s domain is approved, you will be able to purchase a student license with that account.

If you continue to run into issues, please send me a direct message on here with both of your emails, and I can look into it!


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I have tried to do it, hiwever i do not recieve activation link (emails from you with activation for this forum account and about accepting my status i get, but not the one from Veras account)
I have checked spam folder. Is there a way to solve this? (you can send me DM, cause i cant find unfortunatey how i can message you directly)
Thank you.

@Wildpingv I’ve send you a direct message on here, please let me know if you don’t get it! Thanks,

Update: We were able to solve Wildpingv’s issue!