Veras - Release 1.8

Download: Windows | Mac Sketchup | Mac Vectorworks

SketchUp Mac Update Instructions: Updating Veras for SketchUp on Mac
SketchUp Mac First Install Instructions: Installing Veras for SketchUp on Mac
Vectorworks Mac Install and Update Instructions: Getting Started with Veras for Vectorworks


  • Zoom / Pan Images

    • Can zoom into high resolution images now
      2024-07-11 - 15-23-28 - chrome

    • Can zoom in to more accurately draw a selection
      2024-07-11 - 15-27-26 - vlc

  • Interactive render selection blend
    2024-07-11 - 15-28-40 - chrome

  • Undo last point when drawing the render selection shape

  • Save button on thumbnails
    2024-07-11 - 15-30-21 - chrome

  • Updated icons and icon enabled state appearance
    2024-07-11 - 15-36-52 - chrome


  • Fixed the “Invalid Signature” issue when installing Veras for SketchUp in Windows
  • Clearing the render selection mask would not clear after pressing circle X button
  • Better icons support for browsers using different languages

Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


  • Fixed bug where the original image could not be displayed for renderings generates using the RENDER SELECTION feature
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Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


  • Changed the way SSO logins work on all clients (with exception to Forma)
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When can we expect changes and improvements to textures? And also for representation of graphics?

We have some really cool updates coming this quarter, including:

  • 2.0 Release!
  • Render Engine Upgrades
  • Layers System
  • And MORE!!

Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


  • Fixed bug where the canvas was stuck in pan mode, not allowing users to draw a Render Selection polygon
  • Fixed bug when saving the render filename would cause odd extensions (this is now consistent across all plugin clients)
  • Fixed bug where renders would be incorrectly cropped when resizing the window
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Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


  • Updated SSO logins to work with pop-ups on all Veras clients (with exception to Forma)

Veras - Release

To install the new version, please use the link in the post above.


  • Fixed the Invalid Signature issue in SketchUp when installing Veras using the MSI.

Hi @Ben

Can you unveil some of the comming cool new features?

We consider to put our subscription on hold until Sketchup 2024 support, negative prompts… and until we figure out how to best implement AI into our workflow.


We will also have an intermediate 1.9 release before 2.0, which will include:

  • custom presets
  • more render engines
  • negative prompts
  • floating licenses
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