Veras 1.8.1 Will Not Install

Tried overwriting 1.7 with the new installer. It did not update the plugin. I uninstalled the entire app. Reinstalled and now there is no Veras at all. Any ideas?

@JimKJacobs Thanks for posting! Can you let me know what software you are trying to use Veras with - is this concerning SketchUp?

Ak @JimKJacobs never mind, I see that this has the Veras SketchUp tag, so I assume it is a SketchUp issue. I believe I know what the issue is, and have some workaround options while we work on a fix. I’ll post the workaround options shortly, stay tuned!

@JimKJacobs I made a post that covers this issue, and the current workaround until we get it resolved:

Do I need to download another installer?

@JimKJacobs I would first recommend trying step 1 in the above post - allowing unsigned plugins inside of SketchUp. Do you have the permissions to do that, or any questions on how to do that?

I was set at unrestricted. The RBZ file worked. Thanks. Now I am getting errors

@JimKJacobs Thanks for trying out those fixes, I’m confused on why they didn’t work for you but I’ll continue to look into it.

My colleague alerted me to an easier work around - you can install just the Veras SketchUp extension from the Extension Warehouse. I’ve updated this as the first suggestion in this post (the same on I mentioned above).

I’d recommend giving that a try and seeing if it resolves your issues.

If you’ve installed a different version of Veras SketchUp, you may need to uninstall it first.
